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Turn off the screen saver

I can't turn off the screensaver with a mouse click so that I can get back to the desktop.

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Volker Burow2 years agoAndroid 13, Edge Android

2 replies

  • I can't turn off the screensaver with a mouse click so that I can get back to the desktop.

    Volker Burow2 years ago

  • While most screensavers will exit as soon as any key has been pressed or the mouse has been moved or clicked, some will only respond to (specific) keys being pressed. This is a choice made by the programmer of each screensaver.

    Unfortunately this is not something that we can change as the end users, so if this screensaver exits only when you press a key, then I'm afraid that's the only way. I prefer to use the Esc key, since it works for pretty much all screensavers.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago

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