Unable to reset cubical flood code
the website for the reset just redirects to a japanese website, does anyone know how to reset it.
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6 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
2 replies
It looks like the authors of the screensaver have gone out of business. That means it's no longer possible to retrieve a reset code via the "Get Code" button.
However, I've found the full list of possible reset codes. There's a unique code for each day of the year, so it's a very long list. You can download it here.
As noted, the number between brackets corresponds to the current day number. There are 366 numbers because we have leap years sometimes. Today is December 31 and it's not a leap year, so you would use the reset code "workout" (without the quotation marks). Click the "Reset Flood" button and it should say "Flood Reset".
Hope that works for you! You can also re-install the screensaver to reset it.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
thank you!
6 years ago
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