UR withoyt flash...?
I like UR, but I wonder if it's possible to get it to work still when Adobe have blocked use of flash? I use both XP and win7.
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4 years ago
Windows XP, Firefox
1 reply
At this time, any screensaver like Ur that relies completely on Adobe Flash for its animations and functionality will simply stop working. We are looking into various possible workarounds, but for now I'm afraid it won't work for a while.
Isn't it possible to re-install Flash on the Windows XP computer? I know Microsoft has blocked Flash with an update for Windows 8 and 10, and that Adobe prompts users to uninstall Flash, but I don't know if Adobe also blocks re-installation.
A moderator edited this post 4 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
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