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Virus Ridden

I tried to download several screen savers but my virus protection went crazy with all of them. Thank god I have good protection.

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Anonymous7 years agoWindows 7 x64, Firefox

1 reply

  • Hi there,

    I understand your concern, and while it's certainly a good thing to be cautious and have virus protection for your computer, any virus warnings raised about screensavers you download from this site will be false alarms. This happens often.

    Can you tell me what anti-virus software you use, so I can look into it?

    We report a lot of false alarms to the various anti-virus companies but unfortunately it's near impossible to do this with every company and for every screensaver.

    I know it's hard to take my word for it when an anti-virus program clearly blocks a piece of software and labels it as dangerous. That's why we present extensive virus scanning reports with each screensaver, which you can verify on

    I'm sorry your experience visiting Screensavers Planet wasn't a good one. These things are mostly outside our control, but we still try to help wherever we can.

    If you can let me know what anti-virus software you use, that would be very helpful.


    A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

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