Webroot: Hubble 3D screensaver is malware?
Caught by my Webroot antivirus. You can download the file but the virus initiates upon installation.
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago: Edited title to clarify this is limited to Webroot.
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Jeff W.
8 years ago
Windows 7 x64, Firefox
2 replies
Hello Jeff, thanks for posting. This is a false positive, and I have submitted the file to Webroot Support so that they can update their virus definitions. As you can see in the anti-virus report for this screensaver, no problems were found by any of 50+ virus scanners we employ. It's a safe download, but unfortunately the complex algorithms of these virus scanners can sometimes raise false alarms.
I have downloaded and installed Webroot SecuryAnywhere and can confirm that the file is indeed marked as a threat. I'll post again once I hear from Webroot Support.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
Webroot has just confirmed that it is a false positive, and they have updated their security definitions to address this. Please try to install the screensaver again.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
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