Where is the old Real Nails 3D screensaver from RealNetworks?
I see a couple other old RealNetworks screensavers here (Sandstorm and Snow Globe), but Screensavers Planet is missing Real Nails 3D. It features 3D faces made of nails. Anyone remember it and know where to find it?
Rogerio Casella
1 year ago
3 replies
Interesting, I've never seen that one before. It took some serious digging through the Internet Archive but I've finally managed to find it: freerealnails.exe
Still seems to work OK, so I'll add it to the site at some point. Thanks for the tip!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
Rogerio Casella
1 year ago
Now if anyone can find the crack file for it since it can't be purchased anymore...
Rogerio Casella
1 year ago
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