Will not work on Windows 10
Have unzipped and installed the file in the correct directory. Times/errors out when attempting to preview it.
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7 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
2 replies
Hello Ted, thanks for posting to the message board.
It looks like the Kewl Clock screensaver just does not support the preview mode, nor does it have a settings panel. My experience just now, however, is that if I just set it as the active screensaver, it will launch when the wait-time passes.
An alternative way to preview the screensaver, if you would like to, is to locate the screensaver file where you copied it and double-click it. That worked for me.
(You may have to bypass SmartScreen for that to work on Windows 10.)
Hope that helps!
A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
7 years ago
Works perfectly, thank you!!!
7 years ago
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