Windows 10 Johnny castaway, no sound despite following directions
Hello. I installed Johnny Castaway following these steps https://www.screensaversplanet.com/help/guides/windows/how-to-run-johnny-castaway-on-windows-64-bit-28
but still have no sound. Has anyone had this issue and possibly overcome it? Any help would be appreciated. thank you :)
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5 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
Hello Patrick,
I'm sorry to learn you're having troubles with the tutorial. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I have a solution. I haven't had any previous reports of the sound not working. The settings described in the tutorial should work the same for everyone.
It's very important to get the settings just right, however, so my first course of action would probably be to start over and double-check each setting.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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