4.5 stars, 675 votes
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Another Matrix

This Matrix screensaver from NicheScreensavers.com mimics the falling green code seen in the popular 1999 film The Matrix, directed by Andy and Lana Wachowski, and starring Keanu Reeves. Matrix digital rain, as it is called, represents the (encoded) activity of the virtual reality environment that is the Matrix, and is displayed on computer screens throughout the movie. You can customize the rain by adjusting the speed, cypher density and font, and you can insert coded messages which will be gradually decoded on the screen.

Price Free    Disk 0.34 MB    Windows for Windows    Downloads 210,461
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SubjectRepliesLast post
screen save parameters14 years ago
how to add another matirix to additional monitors14 years ago
Will you make one for Linux, please?15 years ago

Installation instructions

Microsoft Windows

  1. Double-click on the file downloaded above, then click "Yes" to start the installer.
  2. Click "Next". The default destination folder into which the screensaver will be installed, will be fine for most computers, so simply click "Next" again to continue.
  3. The installer will create a Start Menu folder, from where you can easily uninstall the screensaver. The default name for this folder has been entered, so you can click "Next" to proceed.
  4. It is not required or necessary to have the installer place a desktop icon and/or Quick Launch icon on your computer, so feel free to uncheck these boxes before you click "Next".
  5. Click "Install" to begin copying the necessary files to your computer. In a few seconds, installation will be complete, and you can click "Finish" to exit the setup wizard.
  6. You will be presented with a window that allows for the configuration of the Another Matrix screensaver. You can access these settings later via Windows's Screen Saver Settings panel.
    • Please note that in your list of installed screensavers, this one is called "Matrix Screen Saver".

Anti-virus report for Another Matrix

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Virus scanneranothermatrix.exe
Last scanned3 weeks ago

We have 1 file for "Another Matrix"

  1.   anothermatrix.exe (Windows)
File report #1
File nameanothermatrix.exe
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size351.77 kB (360,213 bytes)
File typePortable Executable (EXE)
Detection ratio0/15 (0%)   View report
Total downloads210,461
Last downloaded1 hour ago
File verification

User reviews (89)

Lacks multi-screen support and leaves the other monitors running whatever was on them before. Not a good screensaver

by 4c3T on January 17, 2025

COOL n Nice look

by BRAM on October 21, 2024

Весьма не плохо, я бы даже сказал - круто!

by Ромарио Ливие on March 24, 2024


by Ivan on February 15, 2024

Does this work with two screens?

by Jackson on December 9, 2023

I need help to use the screensaver with multiple screns

by Rafael Urdaneta on August 27, 2023

I've been using this since the 90s, works great. Feature suggestions assuming you have some downtime; the multiple monitors dude mentioned prior, code changes like in the gl nix matrix Screensaver so instead of matrix code it can do binary, hex, or genetic (you could get fancy with the tcga and use stop condones to display messages instead of highlighting), have a drop down menu so you you can choose the choose the algorithm it uses to display the code such as synergistic I've seen in another one, change between colors such as green/blue/red/yellow. Id be happy to help you out with some of this, https://www.github.com/wgailey

by William Gailey on July 7, 2023


by ALI on July 5, 2022


by RINCY on March 21, 2022

does not support multiple screens

font and font size, speed, secret messages, etc can be changed in the settings

by computer guy on January 21, 2022

very nice but does not support multiple screens

by stawiu on August 1, 2021

I like it but I can't make it work.

by Edward Doyle on May 23, 2021

This one doesnt expand on to multiple monitors

by fr on April 21, 2021

This is a fantastic screen saver. The only constructive criticism I would have to offer is that the custom "message" have an option to display at random locations on the screen. By default it's just front and center. 4/5

by A1phA0b13$@nC3 on February 8, 2021


by Landon on January 27, 2021

It works well, it would be even better in my opinion if it couod be added to the windows 10 screensaver menu/list.

by Frank Lennon on December 14, 2020

It looks good but. But on my computer this screen saver does not start automatically as every other screen saver will. I could only see it thru ppreview and that was it :(

by mr.raccoon on November 8, 2020

Giving 4 stars only because of the lack of multiple monitor support. Would be spectacular and 5 stars if all monitors were supported as all other customized settings are great!

by Scott on September 9, 2020


by Sarthak Das on August 15, 2020


by nguyen ngoc huyen on July 29, 2020


by john on June 23, 2020

Nice, like it. But I wish it did dual screens instead of just one screen.

by Jeff Friend on June 17, 2020

Doesn't support multi-monitors

by AutoJunkie on June 17, 2020

It's cool u can make ur own message in it

by No-one on April 15, 2020

Most wonderful Matrix Screensaver you can have! Favorite feature is the message input, and it looks absolutely astounding, it is my favorite, been a tecchy and anonymous fan for awhile now! And best of all it is free! Thank You!

by Sean Goul on March 1, 2020

Looks great, no problems.

by Alfred on November 11, 2019

The SS added value to the appearence of my living room when it came on. Very appealing

by James Goodman on October 17, 2019

Lacks Multi-Screen Support

by Mike on October 2, 2019


by Alonso on September 17, 2019

Absolutely love this! Best Matrix screensaver so far.

by Harun Rashid on September 9, 2019

Need this to be dual monitor, only pops up on one screen.

by d_man on August 25, 2019

love it been looking for it since Win 10 was released
great job

by Nelson Jones on August 21, 2019


by Pavol Salagovic on August 2, 2019

I like it, but I've noticed a couple of problems with it.

So I was experimenting with the sliders to get the screensaver how I'd like it and I happened to notice some problems with the Decode Speed slider. First and foremost, the "Faster" and "Slower" seem to be flipped. It's really slow when "Faster" is maxed out and vice versa. Now, not only that, but how fast or slow messages decode impacts how fast or slow encoded messages appear and disappear. Now here's the kicker, when the scrolling text in the background is moving quickly and a message appears, the scrolling text noticeably slows down.

I think that's about it for the issues I've noticed. You obviously have no inclination to improve your old, free screensaver, though if you do I would most certainly appreciate it.

Thank you for your hard work. (Will definitely improve my rating if you do)

by JNC on July 4, 2019

this+rage against the machine playing=perfection!

by konr on June 13, 2019

It doesnt work across multiple monitors. But otherwise its exactly what i was looking for.

by Brian on May 28, 2019

I just loved it! When he released the film in 1999 it was easy to find on CD-ROMs that accompanied computer and internet magazines in the 90s. And they were simple and functional, just like this one from the download. Thanks for making it available.

by Mightor! on May 5, 2019

incredible ;)

by Giovanni on April 14, 2019

Very good but is missing a couple of code columns to the right.
Tried it in 3 monitors, 2K, 1080p and 1400X900, always missing 2 columns of code to the right.

by nitro912gr on April 12, 2019

I've been looking for just this screen saver!!!

Very smooth display.

by Prenin on March 4, 2019


by Sergio Giovannini on January 27, 2019

preety good

by michael on January 16, 2019

So far it looks like the reel deal, will let you know more after a week of work.

by KR222 on January 14, 2019

doesn't work on multiple displays (only shows on display 1)

by adq on September 16, 2018


by darik52 on August 18, 2018

I have tried many Matrix screensavers and they have been poor at best. This one is awesome

by Paul on August 14, 2018

Super awesome! Tried a few that didn't work so glad to find this one. 350kb small download is, like, blip.
Thanks to the author for this fine piece of software

by Danny Boy on July 28, 2018

how can I get this to work on dual screen monitors?

by Sully on May 14, 2018

It May A Bit Old, But...NEVER Get Tired With Seeing That Waterfall Binary Code !!!!!!!!!!!

by Mytur_Banizdurtee on March 21, 2018

Needs to support multiple monitors

by X on March 14, 2018


by rabi ray on January 20, 2018

Good but only works on one screen.

by Andreas on January 14, 2018

@Si This screensaver's been around for like 20 years. lol... It's not garbage. Works fine on my Windows 7 laptop (as well as my XP rig obviously). Maybe there's something weird with your pc. Wouldn't surprise me, considering how many people don't know what the heck they're doing with a computer these days.

by Bob on January 11, 2018

Garbage. Crashes after 10 seconds. Win 7 64 bit i7.

by Si on November 27, 2017

Am I able to change the color of the screensaver? If I can do it in the source code please tell me where :-)

by Trilas on October 29, 2017

It looks nice but it only supports one display. Other screensavers and matrix screensavers I have support multiple displays.

by Ron on October 6, 2017

really cool screensaver that actually works!

by Terry on August 18, 2017

its sooooo cool

by mazin on August 18, 2017


by Hugo on August 4, 2017

Nice! Like the coded message function.
Set three messages, 'HELP ME!', 'I am Trapped', and 'Please Release Me' - then sit back and watch people freak.... :)

by steve on July 29, 2017


by Chris on May 5, 2017


by ezekiel on April 24, 2017

no multi monitor support, useless.

by doesnt matter on April 10, 2017

The Mac one is better, its the cam on the screen and produces whatever it sees

by Geoff on March 16, 2017

Works awesome but it quits way to fast. how can I fix this?

by pete on February 1, 2017

it works

by tom on January 22, 2017

Messages display only in alphabetic order, can this be fixed? Thanks for all the hard work!

by Schpitfrik on January 21, 2017

its alright... but better than anything i have had

by joji on December 16, 2016

3 stars for not supporting multiple monitors. Other than that it's really nice.

@Peekofawr: "People, most screen savers do not work with dual monitor set ups. This is the same with stock screen savers." Is it now? Where did you come up with that from?

On my Win10 machine the STOCK screensavers DO work like a charm on an HDMI display and two more USB displays, that is, completely different display drivers, not even the same graphics card.

by mdcclxv on November 9, 2016

this is so cool

by ali on October 3, 2016

its alright for single monitor screensavers but for duel screen it only works on one screen

by SwatMonster on September 28, 2016

Works great! This is my first time using this website so naturally I scanned the screensaver with both F-secure and Malwarebytes and it says everything is good. I was interested in finding more screensavers by the developers so I clicked on the link in the installation folder and it just sent me to an add website. I would definitely be interested in finding more screensavers by the creator. Anyhow, it looks and works great. Using windows 10.

by ChristheKhajiit on August 5, 2016

Looks very good.

To those who are complaining it only shows on one screen, try buying displayfusion, you can set it up to work on both (and even different screensavers for each)

by Immotay on July 26, 2016

It's decent, and allows to add random messages that appear.

People, most screen savers do not work with dual monitor set ups. This is the same with stock screen savers.

Don't be bias; if you cannot install it on your PC, then don't rate it. Just contact them (if applicable) and see if you can't get it to work. Don't rate it if you've never experienced it.

by Peekofawr on July 10, 2016

Looks awesome but sadly only works on your main monitor. So if you have dual or more monitors set up then the others will not go into a screen saver

by Chris on June 6, 2016

This does not appear to work properly with multiple screens. It blanks and works on the primary screen, but leaves the second screen showing the desktop with no screensaver.

by Eric on May 28, 2016


by mike on May 4, 2016

Excellent! Does exactly what is should, the way it should. Nice options. I especially like the coded message. Thanks!

by opusq on April 4, 2016

help: cant set this as default screen saver in windows 8.1

Screensavers Planet: The Another Matrix screensaver should be listed as "Matrix Screen Saver" in your Screen Saver Settings panel. If not, feel free to contact us.

by john on February 4, 2016

Works good

by Larz on January 30, 2016

What I Wanted!

by Jason on January 9, 2016

Love the text thing most importantly. You are awesome.

by Alan Gonzales on November 5, 2015

Won't install on my Win 7 x64 i3 system.

by SF on November 1, 2015

i Love it,

by Amber on October 12, 2015


by ethan earl on September 19, 2015

Love it.

by Teresa on September 8, 2015

nice ,real nice

by Rich on March 8, 2015

Very cool. Only issue is that it only displays one 1 out of 2 of my monitors though... Almost Awesomeness.

by Kyle on March 6, 2015

this takes me back, and is the best looking Matrix Scren saver, retro and cool!

by Mike on January 22, 2015

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