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Downloading Colonial Williamsburg Christmas

Your download of the Colonial Williamsburg Christmas screensaver should start in 4 seconds. If you need help installing this screensaver onto your computer, please find instructions below.

If your download does not begin automatically, please click here to start it manually.

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Installation instructions

For Apple Mac computers:

  1. Double-click the file you downloaded to extract its contents.
  2. Located the "Install CWChristmas Screensaver" application in your Downloads folder and double-click it to begin the installation process.
  3. Click "Install" to copy the screensaver files to your system.
  4. The installer will automatically close and open up the Screen Savers panel, where you can now select and preview the "CW Christmas" screensaver.
    • If, upon running the screensaver, you get a "Blocked plug-in" message, please make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player system plug-in.