4.5 stars, 140 votes
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Cosmic Voyage

This space screensaver from 3D Wonders takes you on a voyage through space, moving past supernovae, red giants, nebulae storms, suns and other cosmic elements. The speed of the screensaver, as well as the number of elements and the field of view, can be customized.

The developer has released the below license to unlock the screensaver free of charge:

License name: JOHN DUNCAN
License code: 156834894113785038481782518587171116523

Price Free    Disk 0.89 MB    Windows for Windows    Downloads 31,833
Small screenshot 1 of Cosmic VoyageSmall screenshot 2 of Cosmic VoyageSmall screenshot 3 of Cosmic Voyage

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can't register Cosmic Voyages on Windows 1141 year ago
Cannot purchase - domain expired 26 years ago

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  1.   CosmicVoyageSetup.exe (Windows)
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Target system Microsoft Windows
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Total downloads31,833
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User reviews (39)

It's been some time, 18 years, yet this must still be one of the very best, if you go for a truly hallucinatory experience! What a hauntingly, breathtakingly beautiful screensaver! Endlessly versatile, because it's based on variations generated by fractals, but you can adjust all the movement, quantitative and colour controls of the stars and nebulae yourself, as well as those irresistible wow-moments of interstellar visualization: lens flares. It's like the "2001: A Space Odyssey" (or indeed the IMAX movie "Cosmic Voyage" (!)) of screensavers. Or reliving the space travel parts of classic cosmic adventure games like Beyond Atlantis. I'd like to echo the words of another reviewer: it's such a pity the company no longer exists, because I would have gladly paid for it, and even more than just $14.95. At least we have the codes to unlock it from the extremely generous John Duncan. Somewhat similar savers from the same company are "Planet Quest"and "World Saver 3D". Thank you so much! Two thumbs up!

by Richard Piepenbrock on June 14, 2024

Wow, this is impressive. If there is multiple monitor support, I'd have to pay to access settings first to find out.

by Canna on June 24, 2023

This is absolutely my favorite screensaver. I'm amazed no one has ever created a better one. After a few hours hard at work, I just initiate the program and in minutes I'm deep in space. SO relaxing. And I'm glad to be able to download it completely safely screensaversplanet.com , because a lot of sites do load programs, including screensavers, with malware and other messes.

I had a hard time registering it on my new Windows 11 computer, but after hours, I finally found what Rob at screensaversplanet.com confirmed--that I was not hitting the "Finish" button properly. I could not see the lower half of the dialogue box, and changing screen resolution temporarily did not help, as it did on other old programs. But after entering the creator's name as user name, JOHN DUNCAN, and the ID he provided for free, I hit "tab" to cycle to the hidden "Finish" button, hit enter, and it worked like a charm. So grateful. This screensaver is so good I'd be happy to pay for it but the site no longer exists.

Thanks, JOHN DUNCAN, wherever you are--and thanks to Rob at screensaversplanet.com

by Bill Brown on May 22, 2023

It is a high quality screensaver that takes you on a trip across the beautiful cosmos. I highly recommend it.
For anyone having trouble with the screen resolution changing:
Go to this screensaver's settings menu. Under the Controls tab, untick the "Fade From Desktop" option.

by Niva on May 11, 2023

Fantastic. Watermark is removable with information provided to unlock the screensaver. All settings are adjustable, including movement speed, field of view, number of suns, stars, and nebulae, provides a desktop fade so the transition is not jarring, and more. The best part is unchecking the box that says "Only use primary monitor" which will make it extend across all displays without needing to edit any Windows settings. You can even attach a soundtrack file to begin playing once activated! Perfect.


The people here complaining "it's not actually free" or "you have to click a desktop icon" are clearly having a lot of trouble figuring out such a simple process, so I'll elaborate:

- Yes, it provides you an icon IF you want it (uncheck the box when it asks during installation if you do not). Either way, the screen saver is set like all screen savers in Settings -> Lock Screen -> Screen Saver Settings (this is for you Paul, it isn't difficult <Meme - Come on, son>).

- Choose "Cosmic Voyage," click on the "Settings" button, then click the "Controls" tab to adjust to your liking. Be sure to uncheck "Only use primary monitor" if you have multiple displays, or it will only show on one monitor (this is for YOU user Erw9j).

- Use the license information provided above by the developer and enter it in the "Purchase" tab to unlock the full version with no watermark. Yes, if you register correctly, the watermark will NEVER appear again. Not sure what the bozos who said it reappears after a few minutes are smoking (users EE, KH, and David). I watched the screen saver for 20 minutes just to make sure.

- Finally, set your wait time to whatever you want. The screen saver will activate after that amount of time. The fade transition DOES work if you wait the amount of time you set (this is for the no-name user on August 18, 2017). You do not need to activate with a desktop icon.

I believe I have covered all bases. It is really easy, I promise.

by User JD on January 21, 2023

As posted by KH on July 14, 2017, awesome screensaver except for the full-screen watermark that always shows up after a few minutes even after registration. Too annoying to keep but this screensaver would be 5 stars without that floating watermark.

by David on July 29, 2022

Made with Love. Phenomenal Work!

by Sergio on January 10, 2022

Legit the prettiest screensaver ever! I love the customization options too. Thank you!! :)

by Jessica on August 16, 2021

Exactly what I wanted/needed.

by Ted R Turner on July 24, 2021

One of the most beautiful screensavers I've ever seen. Some said there was no transparency or that it had a water mark. Please read the description. The registration code is given above. Enter that in settings and no more watermark. Also in the settings there are settings for the screensaver to gradually appear or at once. You can change this in the settings. As far as it working in Windows Seven, yes it does work. I'm using Seven Pro and it works just fine. My favorite screensaver and it's fully adjustable to colors, stars, speed, clock, etc.

by JollyGood on September 27, 2020

very nice, but for one monitor only

by Erw9j on June 28, 2020


by dennis on October 17, 2019

its great

by francisco on May 15, 2019

The best screensaver I have ever seen

by lostsoul44 on January 31, 2019

Doesn't work. Windows 7 doesn't recognize it as a screen saver thus it can't be set to go off on a timer of inactivity. You have to literally click on an icon to get it to work which ultimately defeats the purpose of a having it. <Meme - You had ONE job!>

Screensavers Planet: The desktop shortcuts are for your convenience, should you want to start the screensaver on demand. However, it should still appear in the Screen Saver Settings panel after installation. We tested it to work on Windows 7.

by Paul on February 6, 2018

Very effective

by Joseph on December 3, 2017

Thanks for the key, looks wonderful :)

edit- only fades in on preview. When executed from idle the desktop disappears and there is no transparency.

by on August 18, 2017

Love the looks of this and the fade-in. However, it insist on changing my screen resolution (1920x1080) each time it's run which brings up a warning window (Win7) that sits on the screen and has to be clicked. Sadly uninstalling.

by tried it on July 21, 2017

Awesome screensaver, but a full-screen watermark shows up after it's been running for several minutes which doesn't go away, and this keeps showing up even after purchase. Would be 5 stars without that element.

by KH on July 14, 2017


by Karsten on June 18, 2017

As far as screen-savers go, this one is pretty awesome! And with a free license! How generous.

by Kurtis on March 24, 2017

Simply the best screensaver i have ever setup on Windows! A big thank's to the developer. Peace

by Saro on January 5, 2017

Nice - my favorite - ever. Great 3D rendering, lots of options, and how cool is it that the author donated the license so we can enjoy. Thanks!!

by Stephen on November 24, 2016

This is an amazing screensaver. Stunning visuals, tons of settings and the fact that the developer was kind enough to include the registration code makes this a no-brainer. A big thank you for sharing.

by Richard Lim on November 17, 2016

Absolutely amazingly stunning. A epic journey through space while getting bombarded by light and blinded by supernovas.

by Your Name on November 13, 2016


by kris on August 1, 2016


by naza2k15 on July 27, 2016

Really pretty--a modern take on the classic "flying through space" screen saver. Definitely a keeper!

by Amanda on July 26, 2016

It's so cool and works on Windows 10
Also they bring you the license data to unlock it, so it's great

by ThyraJenkins on July 9, 2016

Beaaauuutiful. Watching the celestial images just brings me such peace... especially when it's been an unusually stressful day. Many Thanks <3

by LRIndy on May 23, 2016

Damn nice.

by Van on March 4, 2016

Great screensaver, not perfect, but the best free 3D space visual that I could find. Thanks for this!

by AH on February 3, 2016

Wow I been looking for something like this after I came back from a planetarium with my grandma. This is truly amazing.

by Amazing on January 18, 2016

Awesome, thanks! Great job on this...looks beautiful.

by Matt on January 1, 2016

looks good

by thomas docherty on December 16, 2015

Very nice visuals , works well on windows 10 , and yes it is FREE just use the licence name and licence code provided above and you're all set to go.

by Leslie on December 6, 2015

Another good space screensaver. License key works, it's free. A+

by Joseph on October 24, 2015

NOT ACTUALLY FREE! I get it, but starting out not honest, will be bad for business. My honest tip!

Screensavers Planet: It is free if you use the license information provided in the screensaver's description above. This license was created specially by the screensaver developer so that you can now register it free of charge. Sorry if this was not clear.

by EE on August 17, 2015

Absolutely amazing on an HD TV. The level of detail is phenomenal.

by Darg on July 30, 2015

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