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Living 3D Dinosaurs

"Megabeasts come alive again" is the tagline to this 3D animated screensaver for Windows, featuring 3 prehistoric scenes inhabited by 6 different dinosaurs, including the Pterodactyl, Alamosaur, Thescelosaurus, Tyrannosaur (T-Rex), Triceratops and Hadrosaur. Each can be hidden via the settings menu, where you can also adjust sounds and visual effects.

Known issue 1: if you are on Windows 8 or 10 and receive an error about Flash while installing, close the installer, download and run this file, then restart the installation process.

Known issue 2: If you don't allow your system to be tested to automatically detect the optimal settings for the screensaver during installation, you may get a "Runtime Error" when the screensaver attempts to run. You will need to click the "Test my system for optimal settings" button under the "Video" tab of the screensaver's settings panel to resolve this.

Price Free    Disk 5.94 MB    Windows for Windows    Downloads 1,549
Small screenshot 1 of Living 3D DinosaursSmall screenshot 2 of Living 3D DinosaursSmall screenshot 3 of Living 3D Dinosaurs

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living 3d dinosaurs screensaver22 years ago

Anti-virus report for Living 3D Dinosaurs

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Virus scanner3ddinosaursfull.exe
AVGFileRepMalware [Trj] *
AvastFileRepMalware [Trj] *
MalwarebytesPUP.Optional.BundleInstaller *
McAfeeArtemis!C0CBCE93401A *
MicrosoftPUAAdvertising:Win32/YourScreen *
SymantecTrojan.Gen.MBT *
Last scanned2 weeks ago

*  When only a few of the virus scanners detect a problem with a file, this usually indicates a false alarm. While we cannot guarantee the safety of any file for 100%, we review them all carefully and report false positives to the anti-virus companies.

We have 1 file for "Living 3D Dinosaurs"

  1.   3ddinosaursfull.exe (Windows)
File report #1
File name3ddinosaursfull.exe
Target system Microsoft Windows
File size5.94 MB (6,227,056 bytes)
File typePortable Executable (EXE)
Detection ratio7/15 (46.67%)   View report
Total downloads1,549
Last downloaded1 day ago
File verification

User reviews (2)

I've literally had it for years and love it. You can pick your dinos' environment (I like the jungle, not after the meteor lands). You can choose how many pterys are flying and little dinos are running. Big dino roars every once in a while. I usually keep it muted when I leave my desk since I'm at work.

by Pywackett on March 31, 2021

requires flash player so no go for me. probably fine, but not for me

by the dude on January 17, 2021

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