Funny Screensavers
Page 3 | Showing 48-80 of 80 screensavers (clear filters)
Cubicle Flood 2,552x Free, for Windows, Mac
The Matrix Recital 277x Free, for Windows
Happy Clock 888x Free, for Windows
The Regulars Comic 107x Free, for Windows, Mac
Must Love Dogs #1 5,805x Free, for Windows
Up 1,119x Free, for Windows
Flash required
Scooby Doo Valentine 625x Free, for Mac, Windows
South Park: The China Problem 430x Free, for Windows, Mac
South Park: Ike on Strike 747x Free, for Windows, Mac
Very Secret 1,188x Free, for Windows, Mac
South Park: Randy Running 1,438x Free, for Mac, Windows
Snowball Saver 163x Free, for Windows
Doonesbury 123x Free, for Windows
Hitchhiker's Guide: Marvin 400x Free, for Windows
Bill Gates Cream Pie 164x Free, for Windows
FedEx Crystal Ball 186x Free, for Mac, Windows
Lenny Loosejocks: Falling 135x Free, for Windows
Acrobatic Elephants 120x Free, for Windows
Emoji Saver 527x Free, for Mac
XKCD Starfield 1,670x Free, for Windows, Mac
Borat 137x Free, for Windows
Esselunga 143x Free, for Windows
Women Walk 408x Free, for Windows
Thanksgiving Shoot-Out 601x Free, for Windows