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Display Johnny Castaway in full screen mode

Got Johnny Castaway to play on my window10, thanks to you!

Now, please show me how to get it to run in full screen mode. I use 1440x900, but even in 800x600 it is not full screen and chops off the side. I know it was originally created for 640x480, but surely a brain like yours know how to trick it to show full screen in 1440x900?

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Burke Taylor4 years agoWindows 10, Google Chrome

4 replies

  • Hello Burke,

    There are a few different ways to get the screensaver to appear: full-screen with clipping, full-screen without clipping (with borders on the side), and pillarboxed.

    Full-screen with clipping (no borders):

    Johnny Castaway full-screen


    Full-screen without clipping (with borders on the side):

    Johnny Castaway with borders



    Johnny Castaway pillarboxed


    In the last two examples, you're getting a full view of the screensaver (with borders) because the 4:3 aspect ratio hasn't changed. It's shown pillarboxed in the original 640x480 resolution or it's stretched to fill the screen until it hits either the full height or the full width of the screen (usually the height first).

    In the first example, however, the screensaver may be stretched until it's reached all the edges of the screen. As a result, some clipping will occur at the top and bottom. There's quite a bit of extra space (sky and ocean) that allows for that clipping without really affecting the experience of the screensaver, i.e. you still see Johnny on the island and most of the events that occur will be visible to you.

    A fourth option might be, although I don't think DOSBox supports this, to let go of the aspect ratio and stretch the graphics until the screen is completely filled. However, this would likely result in a distorted, rather ugly image.

    You could play around a bit with the settings I've listed with each option above, to see which mode you would prefer on your 1440x900 screen.

    Note that the island in the Johnny Castaway screensaver is often positioned in such a way that some of the action may take place off-screen, even when it's shown at the original resolution. For example, here's Johnny fishing from the right side of the island. It looks like something was chopped off, because we can't see the full fishing line or what happens there, but this is just the way it was designed.

    Johnny Castaway fishing off-screen

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • Rob, I really appreciate the time you took to answer my question.

    I want to try these suggestions, but of course, every time I open dosbox it launches Johhny Castaway. Do I edit the config.sys file? If not, where/how do I make these adjustments?

    Again, thanks for your help!!

    Burke Taylor4 years ago

  • To edit the DOSBox configuration, you need the "DOSBox 0.74-3 Options" shortcut in the Start menu, the same one you used in step 4 of the tutorial.

    DOSBox Options shortcut in the Windows 10 Start menu

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • Rob, perfect! Many thanks buddy!

    Burke Taylor4 years ago

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