how do i make mopy live on windows 10?
i just get a box telling me he can't run on this pc. help please?
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5 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
Hello Marcie,
Unfortunately, the HP MOPy Fish screensaver is so old that it will only work on 32-bit versions of Windows that still support 16-bit programs like the screensaver.
We have a workaround specifically for the Johnny Castaway screensaver, which has the same problem, and a similar trick might work with the MOPy Fish screensaver, but it's not as simple as replacing one for the other and so I'll have to write a separate tutorial for that. I hope to get around to doing that soon, and will prioritize it.
Sorry for the inconvenience! Hopefully I'll have a better answer for you in a while.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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