i need the inside your computer screensaver
Where can i get the inside your computer screensaver? it looks really cool and i want to try it out but my computer is running win 10 32 bit
1 year ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
6 replies
Did you mean your computer is running a 64-bit version of Windows?
You can download the screensaver here but it is unlikely to work.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
yeah you're right my computer has a 64 bit based processor but the screensaver is black. just pure black. how do I get it to run properly
btw thank you for the screensaver ur website is amazing
1 year ago
It's not compatible with modern versions of Windows, I'm afraid.
It may be technically possible using a workaround similar to the one we created for Johnny Castaway, but I have not yet tried that for the Inside Your Computer screensaver.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
Thank you for letting me know. Let me know when you finished doing the workaround just like Johhny Castaway, And then give me the download WITH the workaround.
1 year ago
I remember that screensaver. Rob is right. I tried running that screensaver last night to no avail. I'll stay tuned with you for a solution. Did you ever use the Real Nails 3D one back in the day? That's my favorite. I'm watching the free version run right now, wishing I had the full version.
Rogerio Casella
1 year ago
Where's the workaround download? I need my screensaver :(
1 year ago
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