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Unable to open Fliqlo screensaver

I can open it in my screensaver settings but whenever I go to find it in the screensaver image options it isn't there even though I've tried to open it several times, but I can't find it. What do I do?

A moderator edited this post 5 years ago: Clarified the title of the post.

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5 years agomacOS 10.14.6, Google Chrome

3 replies

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure what you mean by "screensaver image options". If Fliqlo is listed under the "Screen Saver" tab in the "Desktop & Screen Saver" panel, that's the only place where it should appear. Because it's a screensaver and not an image, it cannot be used as a desktop background and will not appear under the "Desktop" tab.

    But perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question. Feel free to let me know!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)5 years ago

  • Hi again,

    What I meant was when I open the Desktop and Screensaver settings and go to choose the source of my screensaver, I can't find the Flip Clock even though I have opened it in my settings multiple times and it says that it has been opened there even though I can't find it.

    Poppy Henderson5 years ago

  • If installation was successful, it should be listed as "Fliqlo", as shown below:

    macOS screen saver panel with Fliqlo screensaver selected

    If it's not listed there, you could try installing it again. It should work on your version of macOS (Mojave), I've just tested that again on a Macbook.

    Please note that all third-party screensavers will appear below the pre-installed Apple screensavers (like Photo Wall and Flurry) in the list of screensavers shown above.

    A moderator edited this post 5 years ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)5 years ago

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